Jetrichovice, Czech Republic

June 8 - 13, 2008

Keynote speakers

Alain Bossavit
(Laboratoire de Genie Electrique de Paris, France)

Hartmut Brauer
(Technical University of Ilmenau, Germany)

Peter Deuflhard
(Zuse Institute Berlin, Germany)

Ivo Dolezel
(Czech Technical University, Prague)

Carmelo E. Majorana
(University of Padova, Italy)

Arnold Neumaier
(University of Vienna, Austria)

Alberto Valli
(University of Trento, Italy)

Proceedings of ESCO 2008

ESCO 2008 Proceedings appeared as a special issue of Math. Comput. Sim. (MATCOM), impact factor 0.534. Please see more details at the Research Gate page.

Scientific committee

Ted Belytschko
(Northwestern University, Evanston, USA)

Zdenek Bittnar
(Faculty of Civil Engineering, CTU Prague)

Pavel Bochev
(Sandia National Lab, Albuquerque, USA)

Jan Hesthaven
(Brown University, Providence, USA)

Ronald Hoppe
(University of Augsburg, Germany, and University of Houston, USA)

Jaromir Horacek
(Institute of Thermomechanics, Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague)

Karel Kozel
(Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, CTU, Prague)

Dmitri Kuzmin
(University of Dortmund, Germany)

Ernst Rank
(Technical University of Munich, Germany)

Francesca Rapetti
(University of Nice Sophia-Antipolis, France)

Organizing committee

Pavel Solin
(Institute of Thermomechanics, Prague and the University of Texas at El Paso)

Pavel Karban
(Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of West Bohemia, Pilsen)

Jaroslav Kruis
(Faculty of Civil Engineering, CTU, Prague)

Petr Mayer
(Faculty of Civil Engineering, CTU, Prague)

Petr Svacek
(Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, CTU, Prague)